Ben Pearson Bending Dies & Shoes

Quick-Change Bending Dies and Shoes

Operator convenience is the name of the game in the exhaust industry. The quicker the job, the more profit you can make. At Huth Ben Pearson we know this, and that’s why we designed our quick-change bending dies and shoes for maximum speed and versatility. You won’t find any bolts, pins or pusher blocks. Its quick and easy with Huth Ben Pearson.

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Radius Dies

3″ Dies

62746 34
62259 1″
63118 1-18
60876 114
60877 138
60221 112
61044 158
60225 134
60230 178
60235 2″
61084 218
60240 214
63048 48mm

4″ Dies

63156 1516
61260 138
63125 1 1/4″
60222 112
60878 158
60226 134
60231 178
60236 2″
61085 218
60241 214
61114 238
60245 212
63142 42mm

5″ Dies

63876 1-1/4″
61082 112
61083 158
60227 134
60232 178
60237 2″
61062 218
60242 214
61115 238
60246 212
61121 234
62999 3″
63042 42mm

Back Shoes

Back Shoes (2 required)

Size No.
34 62744
1″ 62260
1-18 64118
114 61107
138 61109
112 61000
1516 64156
158 61111
134 61001
178 61002
2″ 61003
218 61086
214 61004
238 61116
212 61005
234 61122
3″ 63000
42mm 64042
48mm 64048

Half Shoes

Size No.
34 62745
1″ 62602
1-18 N/A
114 61108
138 61110
112 61014
1516 N/A
158 61112
134 61015
178 61016
2″ 61017
218 61087
214 61018
238 61117
212 61019
234 61123
3″ 62658
42mm N/A
48mm N/A

Three Quarter Shoes

Size No.
34 N/A
1″ N/A
1-18 N/A
114 61879
138 61880
112 61008
1516 N/A
158 61045
134 61009
178 61010
2″ 61011
218 61783
214 61012
238 61784
212 61013
234 62011
3″ 62449
42mm N/A
48mm N/A

Square Dies


No. Radius Size
63334 4″ 3/4″
63310 4″ 1″
63314 5″ 114
63312 5″ 112
63320 5″ 2″
63325 5″ 214
63350 5″ 212
*Custom Sizes Available Upon Request. Send Us Your Material for a Sample of What Can Be Done

Backshoes (2 Required)

No. Corresponding Size
64034 Back Shoe for 3/4″ Square
64010 Back Shoe for 1″ Square
64014 Back Shoe for 114” Square
64012 Back Shoe for 112” Square
64020 Back Shoe for 2″ Square
64025 Back Shoe for 214” Square
64054 Back Shoe for 212” Square
75000 Square Back Shoe Retainer
(Optional but Suggested)