Tube Fab End Forming Capabilities

Huth’s End Forming Capabilities Have Unmatched Versatility, Speed, and Ease

A set of multiple silver cylinders in various sizes show the end-forming capacity of Huth machines.
Tubing Expansions, flares, reductions, beads, ball joints … you name it!
One pipe fits perfectly inside another pipe as an example of Huth end-forming.
Schedule pipe reductions
A circular piece of metal has a square-shaped center, showing how it's possible to end-form square to round.
Expanding square to round
Four pieces of copper show how pipe can be end-formed by Huth machines to fit inside each other.
Expanding copper (Type L)

A piece of pipe with a collar, shows how Huth machines can work with even large expansions.
Large expansions (up to 12”)