Industries Served: Sports and Recreation Equipment Manufacturing

From Goal Posts to Hoops, Huth Benders Helps You Create Strong Sporting Equipment

Basketball hoops, soccer goals, batting cages for baseball…the list of uses for steel pipe and metal tubing in sporting goods manufacturing is long. Look around the gym—many machines feature pipe and tubing components that have been bent into a shape for use in sports and fitness. The sports industry relies on tube bending for the materials to create a competitive edge. 

Sports and recreation equipment needs to be strong to last under the pressure of competition and active use, so it is usually made from thicker-wall steel tubes.

Cue Huth Bending machines—we help you manufacture sporting goods equipment with perfect, consistent bends every time. We’ve worked with many different sporting areas—hockey, soccer, hunting, camping, playgrounds, lacrosse, football, baseball, and more. Any time a manufacturer needs to fashion a tube into a specific shape for new products, our machines make it simple and fast.

Specialized sporting goods equipment manufacturers pride themselves on durable equipment. Many sporting goods pieces take a beating, especially outdoors. When bending high-quality tubing and pipe, you need a machine that can get it done consistently. Huth tube benders are a reliable solution for all types of consumer products, both recreation and sports related.

Your name is on your product line and your reputation (and your bottom line). Make sure there is never a question of reliability with a bender that yields consistent, specific results with every bend. If you’re making several hundred pieces of equipment, cut your manufacturing time down to seconds with Huth Benders.

“Your equipment is very dependable and durable. Our profits go up when you can count on your machine.” – Glenn, Better Baseball in Georgia

Outdoor Fixtures Made to Last

Not only does Huth help you bend the sporting goods equipment to play the games, but we can help you make equipment for those who watch and cheer on the players, too. Picnic tables, park fixtures, event tents, and playground equipment all require…you guessed it—pipe and tube with precision bends.

Skate park railings, climbing equipment, and more calls for bending pipe. From smaller applications like exercise equipment, trampolines, and bikes to large equipment like football goalposts, Huth helps you bend it like a pro.

Because we bend square and rectangular tubes, popular in the sporting goods industry, our machines have proven invaluable tools. Adjust the dies to bend standard 1.5-inch and 2 x 2-inch square tubing—even 2.5 x 2.5-inch tubing—with ease. Steel and most aluminum products bend consistently. Complex geometries are not a problem with Huth. Your final products will be ready at the highest standards.

Considering bends for equipment not mentioned above? Reach out! We love to explore and customize solutions to get the perfect bend and the ideal end for each application. We serve the sports equipment industry all across the United States with the ideal solution for pipe bending.

Our machines have user-friendly, hands-free bending with knee and foot operation. Choose automatic specification and heavy-duty and non-heavy-duty equipment options. We also work in many sporting adjacent industries—boating, motorsports, and building structure applications.

If you need to shape tube or pipe for athletic equipment or recreational products, reach out to our team to discuss. We’ll help you find the best machine and tooling for your sporting goods manufacturing operation.